
12、keepalive_timeout timeout [header_timeout];

       设定保持连接的超时时长,0表示禁止长连接 ;默认为75s;


13、keepalive_requests number;



14、keepalive_disable none | browser ...;



15、send_timeout time;

       向客户端发送响应报文的超时时长; 特别地,是指两次写操作之间的间隔时长;


16、client_body_buffer_size size;



17、client_body_temp_path path [level1 [level2 [level3]]];



       /var/tmp/body  2 1 2




18、limit_rate rate;



19、limit_except method ... { ... };



       limit_except GET POST {


              deny all;






                     20、aio on | off | threads[=pool];

                            是否启用aio功能;(异步传输功能) 异步传输时线程池的大小


                     21、directio size | off;  设定直接io的大小 或关闭

直接io:写时 数据不在内存中缓存而直接写入磁盘


                     22、open_file_cache off;

                            open_file_cache max=N [inactive=time];


                                          (1) 文件的描述符、文件大小和最近一次的修改时间;

                                          (2) 打开的目录的结构;

                                          (3) 没有找到的或者没有权限访问的文件的相关信息;






                     23、open_file_cache_errors on | off;



                     24、open_file_cache_min_uses number;



                     25、open_file_cache_valid time;







                     26、allow address | CIDR | unix: | all;

                     27、deny address | CIDR | unix: | all;

                     可用上下文:http, server, location, limit_except



                     28、auth_basic string | off;



                     29、auth_basic_user_file file;







                                   location /admin/ {

                                   auth_basic "Admin Area";

                                   auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.ngxpasswd;






                     Active connections: 1

                     server accepts handled requests

                     155 155 298

                     Reading: 0 Writing: 1 Waiting: 0              


                     Active connections:  处于活动状态的客户端连接的数量;







Location /status {





                     The ngx_http_referer_module module is used to block access to a site for requests with invalid values in the “Referer” header field.


                     30、valid_referers none | blocked | server_names | string ...;






                            arbitrary string:直接字符串,可以使用*作为通配符;

                            regular expression:被指定的正则表达式模式匹配到的字符串;要使用~起始;


                            valid_referers none blocked server_names *.magedu.com magedu.* ~\.magedu\.;


                            if ($invalid_referer) {

                                   return 403;





